
In this edition of the workshop we will grant, in addition to the “poster prize”, the “OSS outstanding postdoc award” and the “OSS outstanding PhD award” for outstanding contributions to the field of on-surface synthesis. Applicants should submit, i) a short CV (max. 2 pages), ii) a document (max. 2 page) outlining the excellence and relevance of the work (with hyperlinks to the relevant publication(s)/preprint(s)), as well as their own contribution to it. Application deadline is the same as for the conventional abstracts.

The two awardees will have the chance to present their work in a 40 minute presentation slot (35+5). In addition, they will receive a diploma and a monetary price.


OSS outstanding postdoc. Candidates must be postdoctoral researchers with non-permanent contracts or fellowships at the time of application.

OSS outstanding PhD. Candidates must be enrolled in a PhD program or have defended their thesis no earlier than 2024.